superordinate goal

美 [ˌsuːpərˈɔːrdɪnət ɡoʊl]英 [ˌsuːpərˈɔːdɪnət ɡəʊl]
  • 网络最高目标;超常目标;上位目标;超级目标;超然目标
superordinate goalsuperordinate goal
  1. The Study of Superordinate Goal in Text Reading


  2. The mechanism of superordinate goal inferences in text reading


  3. The results show that the superordinate goal inference is constructed on-line in reading , which support the constructionist theory .


  4. During the comprehension of narrative text , the constructionist theory suggests that the superordinate goal inference is generated on-line and the minimalist hypothesis thinks it is not generated .


  5. This text is analyzed through the background , the title , superordinate goal subordinate goal , main character secondary character , casual antecedent inference causal consequent inference , instantiation instrument inference .


  6. In order to examine the superordinate goal inference in reading , the author used lexical decision task , naming and two time intervals between the last line of text and the target word ( 250ms and 500ms ) . The materials include local and global coherent texts .
